AdaptedEd (Rebekah Stangl Educational Consulting Services)

Startup Digital and Direct Consulting Services for Families of Children with Autism

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I am seeking funding to develop an innovative digital video library platform that provides on-demand resources and direct live consultation services for families with children on the autism spectrum. Many parents experience a disconnect between the support their children receive at school and what they can effectively implement at home. This gap often leaves them feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to engage with their children, especially during challenging moments like meltdowns, sensory issues, and communication barriers.

My platform aims to empower parents by offering accessible tools, practical strategies, and personalized guidance tailored to their unique needs. By equipping families with the knowledge and resources they require, I strive to help them feel more in control and confident in their interactions, ultimately improving their children's independence and overall quality of life. This initiative is designed to foster stronger connections within families and provide essential support for those navigating the complexities of autism.

I am a startup and have not received revenue yet, but I predict I can easily earn between $10,000 to $20,000 per month once launched and advertising my services.

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