
Seeking $3 Million to build blockchain network solution platform for the marketplace.

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A-DappT Builds decentralized network solutions for the marketplace.
A-DappT Network solutions provide integrity, security, simplicity, and efficiency to many different business operations and relationships. 
A-DappT Executes and maintains permissioned blockchain networks to eliminate redundancies and bring a smoother integration between companies and the operations that drive them. 

A-DappT will start development specifically targeting the Insurance industry with P.A.L.L. (The Producer Appointment and License Ledger) as its first project.  This project will target a specific problem in a $1.2 trillion dollar industry to establish profitability,  and industry presence. Simultaneously this allows us to create a platform that can do the same for many other areas in the market place.

Essentially, P.A.L.L. (Producer Appointment & License Ledger) is a peer-to-peer distributed ledger platform technology, aimed at tracking, updating, and securely keeping records of insurance producers licensing, contracts, and appointment statuses. Which makes it easier to create a more efficient network with no central point of control or record keeping.  This is done securely through a proof of authority semi-private blockchain network. 

The current world of insurance producer status and record keeping consists of each business having an ecosystem maintaining their own ledger or systems of record (SOR). These separately maintained ledgers are continually being reconciled with one another in an inefficient, time-consuming, and often non standardized manner. Costing money to the business via administration spending, as well as teams of engineers to constantly be working to reconcile the state of the data that is needed to be used.
Compounded over time, these separate ledgers have been duplicated many times within each department’s databases. This occurs and reoccurs to the point where the managed data, and the state of the data, is regularly hampered and even broken or unusable.

At the heart of A-DAPPT is a 3 person team that initially started a project together 3 years ago to design custom CRM’s for the sales industry, specifically the insurance sales industry. The team of Osler Hutson, Valter Turk, Lawrence Hutson have collectively over 60 years of developing technology, project management, and sales experience. Full CV’s are available upon request. 

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