I/we are looking for an initial investor to provide money to get our business up and running

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Hello, my name is James A. Yurchak and I am the proud owner of A-1 SERVICE BANACH ENT.,LLC. I have a life time of experience in the service industry basically since I was nine years old. I/we are seeking start up funding for our company. There a total of four owners. The reason that I decided to form this company is very personal to me. fifteen years I died three times. I was in a coma for over twenty days and when I woke up I looked around and one of the things I thought to myself was wow I am alive thank you GOD. Then I thought about why GOD allowed me to live and the thing I thought was I was allowed to live and I have dedicated my life to helping others in need. Which is why I have chosen the partners that I have. NO one gets through this life unscathed. I also am a firm believer in giving back to the local communities that we work in. In our business plan you will be able to see just what you are getting involved in.

1. Our company will provided much needed services to this country by doing a very professional and  cost effective job. Whether it is trucking, cleanouts and cleanups, Tree removal services, HVAC , property maintenance, such as Landscaping services, to delivery of merchandise, moving, etc. Eventually we are going to provide a variety of services.

2. My team consists of myself and three other partners. As I said I have a life time of experience  as you will ascertain in my resume. One of the partners has over thirty years in the rental business. Another one has over fifteen years running an office for a very successful company here in Sussex County NJ and last but not least my other partner has his HVAC certificate and he is an African American man who has not had an easy life at all. It is my belief that with the combined experience of all of the partners will lead to a very successful business.

3. The market target area is rather large and is constantly growing. I am not saying that we will not have any problems/issues, however I truly believe that no problem or issues can't be resolved. One of the things I will tell my partners and employees is the customer is always right. We both know that they are not, but that is for upper level management to resolve.

4. If there is a problem or an issue I will personally make every attempt to resolve it in a way that not only benefits the customer , but the company as well. The best advertising is word of mouth It is free and it makes a huge impact on potential customers to talk to their neighbor or relative about who they used and how was the service. As outlined in my Business plan and resume you will clearly see how I was able to build multi million dollar companies.

5. Our business model is actually quite simple offer a service at a reasonable charge and grow it into multi - million dollars in annual revenue. We can offer the service at a decent competitive charge and make a decent amount of profit off of each job or contract.  The company is registered with the Federal Government as a contractor and we will be able to respond to natural disasters on no bid contracts. If you have any experience with these contracts they are huge money makers. We will also advertise online and in print media. I.E. Facebook, Yelp, the Yellow pages both online and print. These are just a few of the places we will advertise.

6. With any business there is always competition out there. By offering a competitive charge for the service provided we will prosper. Yes there are always going to be these pop up companies that truly have no idea of what they are doing and they will always come and go. Personally I have seen over fifty of them over the years.  They are part of the solution actually and they don't even know it. See when John Q. public has a dealing with the pop up company, it actually makes it easier to sell him the services he requires at a competitive charge/cost. 

7. It is my vision that our company will make a positive mark om society, by preforming a service that is need at decent charge and the quality of the services done will speak for themselves One of the most important thing that people in business have to remember is never go into it thinking that you are going to make a killing, because you will fail miserably. Go into it with the attitude that you're going to make a living and you will be just fine. We are not seeking to own the market just our share of it. Eventually we will be in the position to buy out companies from owners that are looking to retire. If you want to you can see more in my business plan and letter of intent.

8. Traction, I have accomplished a tremendous amount of the behind the scenes things that the public has no idea needed to be done. Such as legally forming the company, writing a business plan , contacting the state about permits/ licenses required, finding the right location to operate out of, We have found a commercial building to work out of that is big enough to work out of for at least 4-5 years. The amount of behind the scenes work is tremendous. I have gotten about 90% of it done so far. I have a national truck rental company already on board which will pay us 16-18 percent on everything we rent or sell. I have been in contact with several of the large  appliance and furniture stores in the tri-county area. I know the cleanout/ cleanup industry as well as anybody else in the industry. I also have done a great detail of research on the availability of this  service in the tri-county area.

9. Funding, initial amount is $150,000 this will provide the initial start up  costs and once we are up and running the sky's the limit. With my business experience and the team that I will be working with , teaching and learning from them there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. So far I have put into the company about 5,000.00

10. As you will see by the detailed outline and projections in our business plan . Realistically I see over $500k in revenue for our first full year and then with steady growth you will be able to see my projections.

11. Upon getting the funding needed we will be able to apply for SBA loans at a 2-3%  interest rate. They loan up to 90C on the dollar example if we have 100k in our accounts that means we should be able to borrow another 90k. Furthermore if the opportunity should arise to buy out a company whose owner(s) are retiring or moving out of the area, we would jump on it. As a matter of fact I personally know of one company whose owner is looking to retire in the next 12-18 month. It is a moving company and is well established.  This will be our first acquisition. I strongly feel that there is no limit to what we can accomplish going forward. It will be up to us to grow into different lines of services over time.

Note: Resume , Business plan and letter of intent are available upon request. Thank you for reading this request and hopefully we can talk soon.

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