
Filling $150k-$1 million for convertible note for DoD OUSD DPA Title III Technology Decision Guidance AI Platform

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Funded by OUSD DPA Title III to develop a decision guidance AI platform for the selection,  investment & development of any technology for any application. Filling a $3 million convertible note for Sales and marketing activities min $150k max $1 million. Currently funded with $11 million of nondilutive funding from DoD, however current funds cannot be used for sales and Marketing.  (Investors must be US based/US owned)

The 9-HI platform utilizes a novel 2-Tier mathematical powerset that guides selection, investment, and development decision guidance activities so that users can deploy technologies faster and at a higher success rate. 9-HI allows for direct communication/collaboration among human Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and with 5 specially designed AI Agents. 

Revenue Streams include 1.) Government/Industry/Academia with selection/investment/development needs 2.) SME subscriptions 3.) Transaction fees as groups with needs tap SMEs on an hourly rate basis.  Several other revenue streams will be implemented after these initial categories. 

Considerable and substantial capture of institutional intelligence for decision-making and knowledge of success criteria for technologies and applications will be achieved and redeployed for follow-on successful outcomes. 


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