
Raising $500,000 for an AI-powered software platform that tailors itself to the user through machine learning.

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We are a software as a service company creating AI powered software. We aim to create an experience for users where they can get the most out of AI using intuitive and easy-to-develop features. We have already developed a prototype that uses background and system prompts to increase the effectiveness of AI responses and a document library to better augment the AI knowledge when responding. Our prototype is geared towards helping users that are law school students, making the product one that can create practical materials and engage in deep analysis. We plan on expanding the tool to the practice of law in law firms, but see no reason to stop there. Future development will involve integrating machine learning in the software, so that the software adapts to user activity over a period of time, and to build out tools that use generative AI to create and store content (i.e. a flashcard generator and a deck to store the flashcards). 

Our team is composed of two software engineers with a combined 40 years of experience and currently working in AI technology, a law school student acting as an expert on the intersection of law and education, and a lawyer with a law firm that will help expand the prototype to the larger field of legal practice. 

Our current business model is a subscription-based model that will evolve into a tiered model as the product is developed. Our services will be offered to individual consumers and larger organizations, such as law schools and law firms. We aim to expand into other industries as the product is further developed. 

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