360 Athletix, LLC

$1.4B/annual revenue business - Indoor Athletic Facility - Private/Personal Physical and Mental Training for Young Athletes - Turf Field Space Rental

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We have at least a dozen different revenue streams for our indoor athletic facility, specializing in private training for baseball, football, track, soccer, lacrosse, etc. - physical and mental/psychological. Speed and Agility training from one of the top speed coaches in the country.  Turfed field space rental for schools, teams, individuals.  Batting cages, Hit Trax and bio-mechanics machines available for evaluating/coaching performance.  We will also host leagues for flag football and indoor soccer.  Additionally, we will have club baseball and soccer teams that each generate about $28K/year in revenue.  We will have at least ten teams between baseball and soccer.    

The owners have over 25 years in youth sports coaching/training experience.  We have seen an increase in demand for these facilities over the last five years with very few coming to market.  In particular, we know the speed/agility and mental training will be big ticket revenue items.  

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