21st Century Network Staffing Services

Social Emotional Support for frustrated K-12 classroom teachers

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I have been business for over two years, and provide charter schools with replacement teachers on a daily basis.  The company, 21st Century Network Staffing Services has been supporting charter schools since 2001 in New York City, Seattle, Washington, and Honolulu, Hawaii. We support these schools  by supplying them with replacement substitute teachers on a daily, weekly, or long term basis when the permanent teacher is absent due to illness, or in many cases on maternity leave. Since we are in post pandemic, schools are in desperate need to fill teaching positions on a daily basis. Also, I am a 1995 graduate of the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, with a Masters Degree in Human Development Psychology.  In addition I am a retired school principal of 23 years.  
As a retired school principal, I understand the needs of K-12 teachers. Teachers need to feel supported by school administrators, other teachers and staff, as well as by the students they teach and their parents. However, over the past five years, local school boards, school districts, and school administrations, and parents have determined that they know what teachers should be teaching  children in k-12 classrooms. This change has a created a dilemma for many teachers. This dilemma requires teachers to decide whether they should teach a subject or skill that they think their students should learn, or relent to the pressure of what school boards, school districts, school administration and/or parents want them to teach, and risk the possibility of being fired from their jobs as teachers.  Based on my experience, I have come up with a remedy for teachers who find themselves in this situation. One remedy could be to hire retired k-12 school teachers who can provide teachers with academic and emotional support. This would be provided to teachers through the creation of a teacher call-in/text  hotline that allows them to call a retired teacher to seek a second opinion on what decision they should make. Also, this hotline can be used to provide social-emotional support when needed.  I need approximately $50,000. to kick start my idea. Eventually, I would ask teachers for a $5.00 monthly fee to help support the hotline.

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