We have an existing successful retail nursery, garden center and landscape company. Financially grown up to 500% gross income since we started 2017. As a result of company's growth and expertise in the industry, we have purchased a greenhouse property on a 5acre property in the same area which is turn key operation. Our goal is to produce enough annual plants to cater our own retail division and plus produce pesticide free, 90% water reduction, most sustainable crop production with minimal land and environmental impacts, reduce transport cost and possible fuel burn, going green ,100000 hydroponic lettuce weekly basis and year round. Greenhouse lettuce is getting high in demand due to local produce apatite, created due to past issues when importing to Canada form various parts of the world. Also we produce Okra for the GTA market. We have buyers already lined up and crops are already 45 days matured. I am looking for funding to cover my suppliers and installation of water recycling and purification project plus, advertising and packaging expenses.
Our future goal is very promising with the current success of 5 acre greenhouse property and we are expanding in to our own 50 acre land in the same region where heart of agriculture. Targeted lettuce head production 6 million annually and Looking 10 million dollar investment from an angel investor to invent this successful adventure as our next mile stone.
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