
Need opperating capital. Have already invested 100K of my own funds. (Would be interested in discussing with a funder who has an interest in improved behavioral health).

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A nation wide behavioral health call-in coaching and counseling hot line. Within 20 minutes the client is speaking with a coach or counselor. Will have working model in 30 major metropolitan markets. We begin with 3 MMM* at the end of year 1, 6MMM by end of year two. It will grow by the end of 5th year to having a minimum of 30MMM. Primarily developing brand. All MMM total pop. of 190M. YEAR 1 2 3 4 "Call ins first year " 0*, second year 28.8K per day,  third year 82.4k per day, forth and fifth year 864k per day Net income yr. 1 <386K>, 2nd yr. 6.76M, 3rd yr. 68.15M, 4th and 5th yrs. 313.15M * during first year develop brand, contract with call-in centers and hire administrator, and coach and counselor. We need the 500K to get to live call-in opening with a break even date of less than 18 months. 

We currently have graphic designer for webdesign and CEO on staff. Have spoken with several call centers and are ready to contract. Have experienced marketing individual on staff.

Regard, Chris Waters, founder and President (MA, MBA, LPC, NBCC, Certified Life Coach)

*MMM is Major Metropolitan Markets

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