Wisconsin Jam 2023

15% Plus ROI, for 4 month to 1 year, Secure Investment into company doing A list Artist Music Festivals in the Midwest and other Marketplaces

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We are a medium to large capacity "A" list artists Concert Promoters in the Mid West. We are seeking a total of ONLY 8 investors at $462,500.00 each, @15% minimum ROI for only 120 days. This Investment is 100% Secure, funds to be used for a 35,000 plus capacity Classic Rock / Country Music Festival, with "A" list Artists in a Midwest market. We "Own" everything inside the festival and multiple revenue streams. Potential for rollover with same 15% ROI and 5 year plan for ROI in years 2 thru 5, with cash payout. Funds are 100% secure back to the investors with 15% ROI, to be paid back at show settlement the day of the show, as "first monies" to be paid out from secure box office and concessions merchant accounts.

 Serious Inquires Only Please, as time is of the essence when funding artist contracts. This Festival is a Start Up, 1st year with projected revenue of over 7 million GPP. We have current certified box office  reports  and data, from the artists showing a combination of a capacity of 40,000 people. Each member of the team has been in the industry for over 35 plus years. This festival replaces 2 that were in the same marketplace for over 25 years and did over 100,000 people each year. We can make each investor a member of the LLC with UCC liens and liens on the Box Office and Merchant accounts to be monies paid out "first", at show settlement on the day of show. 

 There are 3 different types of insurance coverage as well, with Weather, Artist Non Appearance and Cancellation that cover ALL expenses and monies outlaid on the show. Current, Certified Box Office data from Artist other current shows, does show,  WE WILL HIT our Capacity Ticket sales and SOLID NUMBERS with ALL Revenue streams. 

We look forward to hearing back from serious investors that are wanting a very good ROI of minimum 15% for a short period of time, at 120 days.  

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