West Enterprises

Raising $100k pre seed investment to build a big data Real Estate website in direct competition with Zillow and Trulia.

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#realestateproduct1 #applyscience
 This ship is taking off.  Jump on the boat investors!
 "The global big data market size to grow from USD 138.9 billion in 2020 to USD 229.4 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.6% during the forecast period."
 Site prototype sample URL - https://www.3sphere.org/properties/ - highlight [Properties] then click  'calculated values and comparisons' for more.  1-2% full site developed approx.  Offering out startup equity for $100k seed investment.  Branding subject to deviation prior to launch. 

A) #applyscience [please read]   -  $20k ad output over 3 months equates to [52,494.01 site views] approx.. in 90+ days MA ad output only.  Avg. $223 MA ad output per day over 3 months  approx. #realestateproduct1 #residential #commercial #buyer #seller #sales - all price values.
B) $20k ad output MA over 3 months could render upwards of [50k – 60k] site visits on a live & viable Minimum Viable Product. Minimum [52,494.01 approximately per my spreads].  Based on Ad Output only.  Invest in September MA MVP done by March/April 2020 approximately with said traction aforementioned and delivered.  
C) Approximating - 3 months building and an additional 3 months site MVP advertising output for site traction (per planning spreads).  About 6 months with 4 people plus our pre seed investor(s) post investment at $100k. [52,494.01 site views.]  
Remember - Big Data Startup Enterprise. Ex. Apple, Amazon.
[My Thought Process] at $75k - $100k pre seed invested -
 1. [$15k - 20k]  for 4 people to work & build out a live/viable MVP [Minimum Viable Product] in MA only.  *3 months approximately. [Startup $60k – $80k over 3 to pay 4 people to build out approx.] 0.38% of the total MA Population in ad click throughs ONLY over 3 months.
https://www.3sphere.org/properties/ - 3 more months approximately.  MA MVP ready. 

2. Plus the additional aforementioned [$15k - $20k] ad output MVP launch over [3 months] for about [52,494.01 site views] in 1 state (MA).  About $223 in ad output per day, every day, over 3 months in MA only.  Total of $100k pre seed level invested.  Total at $100k is about [$4,166 per week] over a span of 6 months. 
*7k invested URL herein  - https://www.3sphere.org/properties/ 
Profits from – 
A) Data accumulation and analysis [Worlds Most Valuable Resource – Back End specialty]
B) Advertising - Ex. Google Ad Sense.
C) No Agent accumulation necessary* - Site only. App.  Tablet/Phone/CPU
 3. Then raise an additional [$1 million+ seed] with said successful MA MVP, to then finish the final full product - to a simultaneous 8 state launch in US Calender year 2021.  Residential. Commercial. Buyer & Seller. Real Estate Sales.   All price values.  [MA VT CT NJ NY RI ME NH]
*Full product macro sample - Residential and Commercial sales -  via Microsoft Word Document(s) available to investors upon signing an NDA.  Message us today with interest.  At bare minimum, this product is necessary at a value of 35% Housing Market Residentially as well as 20% Commercially [nationally] and could warrant up to 100% marketshare Residentially and Commercially based on site preference and, more importantly, consumer problem/solution needs.  This fact I can show you validly.  Approximately 15% of the entire US population on average is actively participating in the Real Estate market each year Residentially for the purposes of buying or selling.  This does not include the Commercial sector as well as the population that will want to use the benefits of out site yearly [consistently] for any other valid reason.  No agent accumulation necessary.  First to Market.  Patenting potential.  
 We have developed a technological [pre seed/pre launch] prototype for a real estate (big data) producing website featuring the Residential and Commercial markets for both buyers and sellers. This requires additional startup Capital to get us to a live/viable and tractionable MVP.  We will specialize in business planning strategies through analyzing previous, current and anticipated market conditions with better pricing. 
*WE are a startup tech global enterprise and this will be our first (of many) technological big data product(s). Macro goal being to get from East to West within the entire USA at Series B or C investment round (anticipate 3 - 4 years approximately at most).  
 Our Real Estate Product Overview - 
 Providing the marketplace NEW technology [app/site] based consumer centric innovation wherein consumers are able to decipher previous, current, and anticipated future market conditions in order to give the agent and client a more thorough business planning strategy when in the process of negotiating, buying or selling Real Estate.  WE will provide vital pertinent information such as:
•*Macro/Micro R.E. Market organization via [Days on Market VALUE]
•*Better Technological Pricing Algorithm 
•When the best time of year will likely be to buy or sell real estate in a given real estate sector [single family, multi, condo, commercial] based on previous and current market conditions.
•= to or above/below [seller/buyer] list price rates over specific time periods in a specific price range and location [city/town/zip].
•Avg. price reduction [PR] rates and avg. list price to PR amounts per PR over a given time period in a specific price range and location.
•Avg. +/- list to sell differential amounts over a specific time period in a specific price range and location.
•Mortgage expense calculator to decipher expenses accrued per month while real estate is on market [Active].
•Anticipate when a seller price drop may most likely occur and by what avg. value in a specific price range, time frame and location.
 Virtual Mapping
 Better Pricing.
 {and so on} – Remember this is a universal  ‘leverage based’ product NOT ‘drop based’.
 DC Zillow/Trulia - 36 million views per month and 26 million views per month between Zillow and Trulia respectively in January 2020.  I expect to inevitably surpass both of these sites over time on site views per month.  #1 Real Estate site in the USA. #REdataKing
 Competitive Advantages -
 üBrand Favorability – Residentially AND Commercially 
           - Carries potential to compete everywhere multi industry
           - Provides significant emotional intangibles
           - Easily recognizable – Significant ‘Advertising Demand’
           - Provides us the opportunity to pursue other business
           - Carries #1 Global VC aspirations and potential 
üProduct – Unique Real Estate technological innovation. [Product #1]
       - Algorithm Applies Commercially & Residentially – Buyer & Seller.
     - Better Pricing Algorithm – Prime DC example is ‘Zillow.’
     - First to Market 
     - Patenting Potential
üTechnology – Team at Computer VIP
              - Big Data Products/Investments [*Worlds most valuable Resource]
                  - Less Brick & Mortar expense, faster rate of growth

 *Similar Technological Business Strategy to - Amazon
 Computer Team from [Computer VIP] Weymouth, MA - 
 Ø3 College educated Team Members.
ØWilliam [Billy] Ng – Store owner. Front end designer & lead.
ØJohn Simmons – Our Back End Coder [lead], Capable of coding communally.  Specialty in Data knowledge.  
College Educated. Developed our 1-2% full product. Possess’ Real 
  Estate data in multiple states.  [I personally have access to MLS real estate data in all 50+ states already.]
 I, Neil T White, do have my MA Real Estate Brokers License.  I currently have 100% equity in the company prior to pre-seed/seed investment.  I have access to MLS  in all 50+ states. 
ØIndependent Contractors.  CPU Professionals.
Seed level - $1 million Seed investment Primary Goals - 
 I. Build out Full Site Product – Buyer/Seller Commercial & Residential. Sales. All price values/ranges.
II. Launch Full Product Multi – State - [MA NJ CT NY RI ME NH VT]
III. Obtain a significant Series A investment within 1 year post initial full product launch (multi - state).  12 months post launch.  VC probable.  
 Business plans -
 Multiple spreads prepared based on initial launch ad data accumulation conversion value(s) for the site. Plans per state nationally (by population and budget) with business planning examples by population globally as well. Primary example is prepared for an 8 state initial launch with planned advertising  output over 1 year prior to our significant Series A round.  Full Pitch deck prepared.  Sample technological prototype prepared as well with data accumulating example(s).  *1 Server necessary for website launch. 
 Proof of Concept for Series A - Average series A in USA $12.5 million with a valuation average of $22 million. - On Proof of Concept for this product - Our product is simply providing superior planning using viable, truthful, and ethical information for all consumers (not yet provided in any capacity - first to market) based on previous, current and anticipated future market conditions. Therefore, we are simply providing them useful information in macro that they may or may not use at their will how they see necessary. Very easy to perform proof of concept for this product due to the fact that there is nothing to prove other than [*traffic volume directed to the site].
 In Preparation for seed raise $1 million post successful MVP $100k - 
 My Business Planning Spread Valuation is at $6.6 million repeating. $1 million seed investment.  X% startup company equity.  $500k in salary to build out full product approximately. $500k to launch full product.  Residential. Commercial. Buyer. Seller.  8 state launch. MA NY NJ CT VT NH RI ME.  Approximately an additional 12 - 18 months to a $10 - $20 million series A round.  VC likely.  East to West 3 - 4 years time at series level C. 
 USA + 
 Series A - to Florida [$15 mil +] 
Series B - to Texas +
Series C - National [CA] +
 Remember - 
 Big Data +10.6% CAGR over the next 5 (looking completely and entirely unaffected by COVID19 circumstances and in particularly for a startup of this nature at this EXACT time #homerun). 

 Message us today with interest.  Email [email protected] today with interest.  $100k pre seed.  $1 million seed.  Thank you!
 Best Regards,
 - NTW, Neil W
 West Enterprises Technologies - WET

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