VoiceGenius AAC Communication Software

Raising Funding To Build An Advanced AAC Software For The Disabled

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I am looking to build funding to complete building a much needed  advanced communication software for disabled individuals that are non-verbal. We hope to significantly change the lives of non-verbal individuals at a low price, or hopefully free web based program. We want to change these individuals lives by providing an easily adjustable and more realistic voice output for inclusion and higher quality of life. The realistic voice output will mimic human emotion which helps the user feel more confident, more heard, and most important more individual unlike all the current market robotic options. We are also working to incorporate new advancements in artificial intelligence which will enable our software to learn the individuals communicate patterns which will in return make the software easier to use and overall faster. Speed has been an expressed issue by users because the typical response times makes communication difficult because people don’t want to interact as much with disabled AAC users due to delays and slow response. 
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