
Brand name is won1one (trademark and domain name owned). Function plus fashion very broadly speaking "apparel"

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A unique product designed for both function and fashion. Need to launch quickly since my idea is already getting out in the public ahead of me. won1one. "Born in Cali w/ Love!”  Since this huge idea is highly confidential, I cannot reveal the details until a NDA is signed.  Although not utilizing a PPM, I still want only serious, affluent investors who have plenty of cash available and also have a high risk tolerance.  No immediate return of investment evident or forthcoming for at least 3 years when an IPO will most likely take place.  With proper funding and superb execution (I have an MBA and have managed large national brands with $10 to $30 MM marketing budgets as a marketing executive), my wild-ass guess (vision) for a sales projection,  3 full years after launch, is $1 billion for all of ThoughtTwist. I do not have time to dink around with test marketing, focus groups, CPA P&L's, etc. I just need to launch NOW and start to implement my guerrilla marketing effort:  approx. 100 brand ambassadors, social media, word of mouth, boots on the ground, massive sampling program, “influencers” wearing our brand(s) and endorsing the product and help drive consumers to the website. There’s a charitable pay it forward concept here as well where  11.1% of net profits will go to charities selected by customers.  The Universe loves speed and so do I -- time is of essence!  Daniel "Thunderjack" Jacques, ThoughtTwist Pres./CEO. 916.517.6925. 

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