Therapeutic Scoliosis Brace

Raising $300k to product new therapeutic scoliosis brace

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My name is Stephen Barr and I have been in private practice for over 26 years. I specialize in scoliosis correction and have a new scoliosis brace that I feel will change the way professionals treat scoliosis. I have the manufacturer, now just need the funding

Scoliosis is a progressive disease causing a lateral curvature of the spine with a combination of rotation of the vertebrae. It can affect people of all ages, not only children and adolescents, but also adults. The most common type (idiopathic) is caused by unknown factors and commonly strikes children between the ages 10 to 12 and in their early and late teens. Although this effects primarily children and teens, adults may suffer from this also. Approximately 2-3% of the world’s population suffers from scoliosis.

One of the major ways that scoliosis is treated is through a spinal bracing system. Although current scoliosis bracing can be successful in stabilizing the spine and preventing it from getting worse, there really is no over-corrective system that can help reverse the scoliosis.

That’s why I became passionate about finding a way to help people with their scoliosis. At first, I invented the Scolio-Trainer, which is currently patent pending. This is a scoliosis over-correction treatment table we have been using and getting good results with. 

After seeing the results of my Scolio-Trainer, I came up with the idea of the Barr Brace. This brace has been designed to perform a certain amount of over-correction, then returning it to its natural brace position. This over-correction is performed to help train the spine faster to return to its normal position. It is the same principle of the table, only in a brace form. 

This scoliosis brace is one of a kind and I feel will revolutionize scoliosis bracing. I need help with capital for this new patent pending therapeutic scoliosis brace. 

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