Introducing "The Pet Sweeper"--the only hand-held, rechargeable battery-operated device (once it is available for purchase) that quickly and efficiently removes unwanted pet hair from horizontal surfaces; i.e. beds, car seats, sofas, etc. This is not a vacuum; rather rotating concentric brushes that literally "sweep" the hair into a collector box that is easily emptied into a trash receptacle with the flip of a lever. I can sweep my queen-sized bed in less than 30 seconds. The upscale design of the device and selection of "designer" colors make it a sure winner. The enormity of the pet industry ($120 billion in 2021) and its rapid growth rate, combined with the unique and much-needed function of this product, is sure to appeal to the roughly 160,000,000 dog and cat owners in the U.S. alone. If you own a dog or cat, I'll bet you're thinking to yourself how much you would like to have one of these!
This product has been in development for over three years. My team of mechanical and electrical engineers and my designer have done a fantastic job of actualizing my vision. My patent attorney has filed for a 20-year utility patent and 15-year design patent and they are both pending. My engineers have created complete 2D and 3D drawings that make it ready to go into production. The name and logo design are protected by the USPTO for the next three years, and a domain name is registered as well. I have rough estimates on cost to manufacture and a resulting retail price in mind.
Ideally, I would like to work with an Angel Investor who could bring something to the table in a partnership; fill in some of the blanks, if you will. For instance, connections with Ali Baba or factories in China and/or connections in the marketplace (Petco, Pet Smart, Macy's, Target...) to get it on the shelves! Please contact me for more specifics on the product and color renderings of the sweeper and the clever dog and kitty logo.
Since posting this funding request, I am pleased to report I now own US Patent #11,771,289 B2 10/3/2023
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