“The Making of The Kingpin” is a gripping crime/drama mini-series that follows the harrowing journey of Shy, a resilient 15-year-old boy whose world is shattered when he witnesses his father's brutal murder upon his release from jail. With his mother trapped in the clutches of addiction and dangerous acquaintances, Shy had hoped his father would provide a safe haven, only to face the tragic reality of his demise. Driven by a burning desire for justice, Shy immerses himself in the treacherous world of crime, meticulously planning his revenge against his father's killer. As he delves deeper into the darkness, Shy's troubled path leads him to a youth center, where he must navigate the thin line between salvation and self-destruction. The series explores the indomitable spirit of a young protagonist seeking retribution, raising thought-provoking questions about identity, survival, and the nature of justice.