The Original Zippered Stockings Co.

50k to market and manufacture Zippered Christmas Stockings - Open stockings together in 2020!

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Zippered Christmas Stockings to bring people together this Christmas either in-person or over video call.  Stuffed and embroidered options available.  Excellent for family, friends, or as a corporate holiday gift!  Easily carry or ship stockings and contain the Christmas morning mess! Let's Unzip Christmas Together and save the Christmas stockings tradition in 2020!

Patent pending and trademark registered, manufactured at established manufacturer in El Paso, Tx.  Cost to us all-in including shipping to consumer is $7.  Sells direct to consumers at for between $15 and $50 stuffed.  Actual sales are happening and we have shipped product.  Projected sales of between 500k and 2MM stockings in 2020 depending on amount of funding raised for advertising.  Company is valued at $3MM, just 1/3 of projected 2020 net profits at 1MM unit sales.

Team includes Karen Mahood - Product Design & Social Media; Alex Phillips - Business Development & Manufacturing; and Fabian Puente - Design & Marketing.  We are determined to save Christmas and have the knowledge and ability to make Zippered Stockings the way families begin Christmas morning.

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