Start-Up College & Single parent & Entrepreneur Credit Education Programs

Raising 100k for College Students/Single Parents/Entreprenuers Basics of Credit Edcuation Age Rage 18yr-35yr

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Freedom Restoration Solutions was created to education College Students/Single Parents in the ages 18yrs-35yrs about credit education in the State of Arkansas. There will be a program for college students teaching them to be financially responsible during college. There will also be a single parent program to help parents with monthly budgeting expenses and how to use credit cards responsibly.
 Position in the Industry. Focus on educating the consumer with basic credit repair knowledge
 and ways to maintain and increase your credit score. Marketing to college students and single
 parent home to equip them with knowledge that will impact their lives by making smart choices
 now. Marketing to potential business owners and entrepreneurs to enroll in a program that will
 allow them to build their business credit by first implementing and writing a business plan first to
 get business started.
 The Business intends to provide exceptional, personalized service, which will be the
 crucial factor in building and protecting the Business's brand within the community. The Business
 intends to handle customer concerns and issues with a customer-oriented focus with the intent of
 providing timely resolution and preventing the loss of customers monies due to being
 overcharge in finance fees by charging $59.99 to get enrolled today.
 Company Goals and Objectives.
 Educate Little Rock College Campuses
 Education the Single Parents community with Credit Repair Basics
 Educate and Launch a yearly goal of 50+ business a year (enroll 25 every six months)
 Create 5 Year Annual Ball to celebrate all new businesses within the community generating
 family wealth
 - College Students
 - Single Parent Homes
 - Entrepreneurs
 - Small Business Owners
 - High School
 - High School Educating the potential impact of increase payments due to high rates due
 to neglect to payment history Monthly Seminars
 Target Market & Credit Educational Programs
 - College Students Educating the Impact of Credit Card Max have on your credit
 utilization and how it affects your credit score 2 year program 
 - Small Business Owners/Entrepreneurs How to build and maintain business credit to
 start, run, and scale their business in a two year program
 - Single Parent Home Education on how important it is to know, grow, and maintain
 your credit score while educating children upon middle school years 2 year program

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