Smartlift Cargo Containers LLC

Patented Steel Cargo containers, including payload weight system and integrated Super Safe Lifting Device

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I need capital funding for a newly patented "smart technology" shipping basket. It has been shown to Energy Companies that show interest but can be used in many other Industries, both domestic & international No funding for payroll needed at this time., just Cap-ex cost.  The system is fully US Patented and has an X-tremely Safe Lifting harness, on board weight system, tag lines for human safety, GPS Tracking and dual entry doors to prevent accidents & hernias to humans. There is many more unique features not listed. 

Basket service life is 25-40 years of usage days.  More if not used every day.  Basket will have DNV approval which allows it to be used world wide and can range from 4' x 6' to 8' x 40', depending on user specifications.  This would be excellent for deepwater drill rigs all over the world and also for international shipping.  

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