
Is customizable news the next big thing? Raising $500k to build our unique News & Media Marketplace

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Skriply is a Data secure and Ad-free news & information platform.  A news & information marketplace, offering a space for content creators to engage directly with users. Our unique business model supports several revenue streams, including digital subscriptions,  private e-commerce, publisher validation, PPC promotional marketing, and privacy-based online services.  Our value is based on our 3 Pillars:  Privacy - A data secure and ad-free platform, Community - A place to share ideas, with content creators and each other, and Customization - An engaging, personal, news experience.  We also offer The Deals Club: Private E-commerce. A private, data secure, and ad-free shopping experience where vendors and retailers battle to give You the best deal possible

Our business plan is to build, test, market, and launch our publishing platform in Q4 of 2022.   Build, test, market, and launch our e-commerce platform in Q2 of 2023.  

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