
Raising 150,000 to create a extremely high fashion high heel stiletto & accessory line

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Push accessory  line is a LLC . That is an extremely high fashion shoe line that creates made to order high heel stilettos with push release accessories.  For those seeking high- end exclusive designs to fill a niche in the market serving shoe enthusiasts with elite incomes who don’t want the traditional stilettos that are mass produced .
Push stilettos ideal customer is a woman who has elite income considers herself elegant  and has a bold sense of fashion a very stylish person seeking exclusivity. Given the importance some Women place on their shoes The high heel  footwear market size is estimated to increase 2.39 billion from 2022 to 2027 globally. There’s  not only a market  for traditional stilettos but also custom-made to order exclusive stilettos with push  accessories .
The whole object is to create an Extremely high fashion stiletto shoe line based only on the material  used creating  one of a kind designs and  hand crafted accessories. 

Please review my campaign in the link provided also note reason the  project was cancelled  on Kickstarter is change in funding request  there will be a relaunch 

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