PostAge App

Raising $500K to further develop and expand PostAge and its technologies

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PostAge is an app that allows users to post letters and pictures at specific geographic locations anywhere in the world!

Below is a live demo of the app currently on the App Store:

Upon registration, users are awarded +5 stamps.  Posting letters costs:

  • 1 stamp for a community letter
  • 2 stamps for a picture
  • 3 stamps for a local letter
  • Each letter has 5 reads.  It costs users +1 additional stamp for an extra 5 reads

Community letters are readable within ~ 1+ < 2 mile radius, while local letters are readable within a 10 KM radius of the users position.

Users can obtain additional stamps by wandering the real world and reading letters for +1 stamp. 


  • Currently, users can purchase +5 stamps for $1.00
  • Watching video ads allows users to obtain +1 stamp
  • Advertisements for local businesses will receive a custom "stamp" or location marker along with a message. These advertisements are viewable at the local level

Since I'm the only developer, funding will be used for:

  • Server costs and potential server migration (see server costs below)
  • Porting code over natively to iOS and Web
  • New features and and runtime improvements
  • Taking server runtime down from O(n) to O(1) saving costs and releasing it open-sourced
  • Hiring additional help (contractually)

Taken from Google Firebase FireStore (
  • Document reads | $0.06 per 100,000 documents
  • Document writes | $0.18 per 100,000 documents
  • Document deletes | $0.02 per 100,000 documents
  • Stored data | $0.18/GiB/month

I look forward to working with you and what we can achieve together!

Jefferson So

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