No Limit Games

Raising $200K to bring new exciting and unique games to the community and industry.

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Indie game developer working on tabletop board and card games. We have plans on also moving into electronic entertainment for PC/Mac/Linux and mobile.
Currently I have been working on several tabletop board game projects with two of them completed and ready for production; and three more in various stages ranging from concept to prototype and playtesting. My intent is to continue creating games that are exciting and fun to play. Ultimately, and with the necessary funding, I will move No Limit Games from just tabletop board and card games to mobile, PC/Mac, and console game systems as well. 
To this end, I have two projects that are waiting for a team to be put together in order to move forward with electronic game development. The ultimate goal is to turn No Limit Games into a AAA title producing developer.

Currently I attend Comic-Con, Wonder-Con, and Strategicon tabletop game conventions to promote and playtest my current in progress and completed tabletop games. With the lack of funding I have been able to still develop tabletop games utilizing funds from my regular 9 to 5 job as needed for items such as prototype copies. However, the development of my tabletop games has been able to progress from concept to production ready using as little money as possible.  

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