Neptune is looking to develop machines which work with the laws of physics to manipulate weather patterns along the pacific coast. These machines will be used to reduce and actively fight wildfires, influence agricultural production, and even combat the spreading drout impacting the western United States, Canada, and Australia. Wildfires alone cost the wine industry in California an estimated 4.2 Billion in revenue in 2020. One example in one industry. This is not cloud seeding (a form of weather manipulation/man-made rain) but rather an unexplored method to inject water vapor into the atmosphere which can be used in conjunction with cloud seeding when needed. The cloud seeding industry currently has a growth rate of approx. 7% and is expected to generate nearly $200M annually by 2028. I believe this project can hold a very comparable value in the market or even surpass cloud seeding. Initial funding will be used for incorporating, building a small scale prototype, patent attorney, operating costs, accounting, travel, and hiring grant writers.
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