Nastics Man II Man

Conquer Your Struggles

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Imagine the quiet battle that remains unsettled:
There is a silent war that takes place inside the mind that most people will never see. The words are
spoken loud and clear from within. You heard it a thousand times over and it said, “You’re a looser”!
However, there are other words that you heard as well-just a few times and it said, “You’re a winner.”
The silent conflict of our inner battles leans more towards one direction that most people will side with,
and it is what you repeatedly told yourself; so, there lies the problem.
My brand of business inspires hope in the solution. Whether we are having internal or external problems
the message is to ‘conquer your struggles,’ otherwise, your struggles will conquer you. Nastics Man II
Man is my product of service through footwear and clothing apparel. Therefore, as a sneaker designer I
am currently working with the Sample Factory in China with the goal of producing five hundred pairs of
sneakers to get into the market. I will need funding for 28k to start with the intended purpose for global

In addition, my long-term goal is to transmit that message to other venues of service that speaks to all
consumers because our stories are universal.


Wayne Gathers
Sole proprietor of Nastics Man II Man

Nastics Man II Man, mid-cut Blue/black/silver
Nastics Man II Man, mid-cut Red/black/silver

Nastics Man II Man - Conquer Your Struggles 

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