Mendel Sophia Corporation

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This is an exciting investment opportunity that will change the world. Think of Amazon-Bolt-Walmart-Walgreens- Kaplan- McGraw-Hill-  LinkedLn-Indeed- combined. That’s a short way to condense the idea of this company. 

I have funded my business registration and website $18,000 out of my pocket . I think that if I keep investing my own money $3,000 every month to scale up the business, it will be $5000 monthly revenue by August and $8000 monthly revenue by December. That’s not good because this is a trillion dollar company idea that I have. So, why not try to find funding ? With $5 million invested we could start getting $1 million monthly revenue by December. With $10 million invested, we could hit $2.5 monthly revenue by December. After that, the plan would be just growth since the revenues will fund growth. By December 2023, our revenue will be $50 million a month or $600 million a year. Payments for the investors can be either in the monthly revenue — or in IPO sales when we go public - or as investors choose later on after the stock has gained higher value. 

The business I have is a holdings corporation with 3 companies envisioned within it. The first company of those is what I am focusing on as it had an early revenue stream quicker. It’s an e-commerce. The funding I need is $5 million to $10 million to purchase a stocked mall or supermarket. The zip code of the mall would be based on likelihood of success. There will be a warehouse to process the online purchase and ship the goods from the warehouse. I will hire 3 warehouse managers at $15 an hour to rotate in 8 hours shifts and work 24/7.  I will also hire 10 manual labor to lift the boxes from warehouses and package the goods from warehouse to ship to customers.  The e-commerce has 30 streams of income. The Amazon & Walmart-version of it of online platform + shopping mall are just 10% of that e-commerce. There are plenty of other things. 

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