MATTHEW FILM LLC was created with the intention of developing and producing the upcoming feature film titled "Matthew." Matthew is a family dramedy about a broken family reuniting over the Thanksgiving holiday. A little more on the story can be found below...
This story centers around a young 24-year-old girl named Jess, who, at her father's instance, is returning home for Thanksgiving for the first time in years. This comes on the heels of her older brother's recent suicide attempt just a few days prior. Jess reconnects with her father and sarcastic brother and the reunion proves to be rather successful. Their awkward dynamic can almost be considered charming. But the unexpected arrival of their estranged mother and her new boyfriend threatens the fragile peace this broken family nearly accomplished. Past histories resurface and tensions rise in this already unstable household.
The package for Matthew is already taking shape. The team has met with and received written interest from the likes of PAUL REISER, PATRICK WARBURTON, EMILY RUDD, MILES ROBBINS, and TALIA BALSAM in the 5 lead roles.
The key-creative crew on the project is also nearly complete. Producers Devin Peluso and Dillon DiPietro are leading the charge. Devin and Dillon have been longtime creative collaborators. Their professional relationship began in film school at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts where the two shared creative and business sentiments.
Devin is also the writer/director on the project and has directed numerous short films like The Old Man starring STEVE COULTER (House of Cards, She Hulk - Attorney at Law), which appeared in numerous film festivals across the country.
Jacob Love, a New York-based Director of Photography will be shooting the film. Juli Reed, a scenic designer and production designer who's worked on hit TV shows like Only Murders in the Building, The Following, and Power, will be designing.
The producers are targeting a number of tier 1 film festivals across the country for Matthews's premier. Festivals like Tribeca, South by Southwest, and Sundance are at the top of the list. Being a dramedy that focuses on the importance of mental health and family, the producers hope to connect to a festival audience while telling a compelling, yet important story.
The producers of MATTHEW FILM LLC are seeking a total of $699,000 to finance the full budget for Matthew. The producers believe a budget of $700k or less will give the best value for a film like this. Motion pictures are rarely made for less than a million dollars in today's landscape due to union labor costs, talent fees, and bloated production budgets. This budget range allows the production to stay non-union, retain a stronger chance for recoupment, and ensures a high production value especially considering the talent who have already expressed interest in the project.
MATTHEW FILM LLC is currently prioritizing private equity investment but is also considering other forms of funding such as tax credits, bank loans, and pre-sales.
This film has been a labor of love for many months and the team is incredibly passionate about telling this charming and important story. If you are interested in investing in young storytellers with a fresh voice and great script, please don't hesitate to reach out for more information. We'd love to share more materials with you!
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