We are an online addiction treatment offering affordable ,flexible, and genuine addiction and mental health treatments to anyone anywhere!
We offer a 3 tiered program plans (30 days to 90days) and ranging from (2225 usd to 5800 usd).
Our Target customers are smokers, alcoholics ,and hard substance users, primarily males between 18-50. who wants to make the changes in their lives to overcome their addictions.
We currently have a platform built out and you can check it out at www.lotusaddiction.com which supplies 2 x daily materials and we have certified addiction counsellors who are their to provide coaching and counselling and identify the root cause of the clients addiction. We also have homework that we assign to show that the accountability is on the client to do the work necessary to overcome their addiction.
The team currently comprises of 4 people. Me the CEO and CTO and CPO and founder! and we have COO/Chief counsellor in Shane Thibert who has proven experience as addiction counsellor! and we have 2 Directors (Peyton Verkerk- Business Development, and Jordan Whales - PR) and we plan to double our size to 8 by the end of the year( that means adding 3 more counsellors and 1 marketing director)
We are seeking 400k usd in funding for a 12 month runway! where we would spend 70% of it for scaling the company! and 20% for marketing and 10% for operations costs!
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