Understanding that 50% of businesses fail due to a lack of access to capital, I am a business and financing broker who wants to bridge the gap between investors and business owners and the access to capital. I also provide many other anciallary legacy-building resources as well such as property sourcing and providing a vetted team to assist new investors. Now that I have the systems in place, my goal is to bring on employees to assisst in the transactional efforts such as processing and administrative duties to scale and allow me to teach entrepreneurship in my community. I've got access to a few bigger opportunities to offer processing services to other entities, based on my service model. After 20 years in the healthcare sales and consulting arena, I decided 3 years ago to assist business owners with capital as the challenge existed for me to secure capital once I decided to pursue entrepreneurship full time. I'm building a resource/conglomerate for the smallest business start-ups/home-based business owners to have the ability to raise capital for their businesses. There is a hole in the market for these smallest businesses to raise capital, and I want to spearhead this change!
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