
Raising $1 Mil to start up BoldlyOne

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This has been a dream of mine for 15 years now. A dream of being the first of my family and the first female in my family to become a real estate investor, who has multiple rental income properties, to eventually fund BoldlyOne an organization that bridges the gap between all Churches and help Organizations, one platform to get people moving towards mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing, a place to showcase their testimonies of overcoming addictions, homelessness, low income into a life of prosperity spiritually, mentally and physically! A platform where people can quickly find resources and the help organizations they need to get well and stay well!

To start out, I am trying to build a couple duplexes on my vacant lot in Spokane Washington, the property is already deemed a multi unit property. I would like to build these and sell them, turn around and do the same on the lot next to it that has a home we currently live in, I’d either move this onto another property and rent out or take it down and build more duplexes.

The goal is to have a bunch of multi-unit properties that are feeding income into BoldlyOne.

I’ve learned quite a lot over the years with making my own mistakes and know now what not to do. If you’re willing to help get my dreams up and running, I won’t let you down. This will be a worthy cause too.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to working with you! 

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