Interstate Health Systems, LLC

Building the Chick Fil A healthcare for Americas Truckers, Travelers, Traditional Residents and Americas Veterans. "Driving Healthcare Across America"

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Interstate Health Systems, Inc.,  (IHS) will provide Urgent & Primary Care at Travel Centers. IHS will be offering Nation Wide high  technology  healthcare to truckers, travelers, traditional local rural residents  & Americas Veterans. Our 300 facilities will be located on the property of travel centers  along the interstate systems. Our services will include 16 hour per day Urgent & Primary Care,  Mail Order Pharmacy & Medication Management, In Home or Truck Sleepers Sleep Apnea Studies and supplies,  24/7 Telemedicine, Remote Patient Monitoring, Chronic Care Management and Laboratory Services to include Scientific Genetic Testing  to ensure correct medications.  We will offer the first nation wide healthcare clinic services with Cloud based medical records on real time. Our services are expected to reduce ER Visits and Hospitalizations , Pharmacy Medications, reduced cost for sleep studies and improve healthcare of truckers and rural residents. IHS revenue is projected to be at $491M  in year 5 with EBIT at $212M. Years 6&7 will improve even greater because of no Cap Ex. We anticipate a  conservative 10 X Multiple  after year five.  Our  high technology business is pre revenue and we are happy to send out an Executive Summary and Deck Presentation with Financials upon request.  We are looking for equity investors from $100K up to $10M  and we will also be looking  at funding for the clinic construction for investors interested in debt funding ($350K per site). We have multiple commitments for Clinics from Travel Centers and  multiple commitments from Trucking  Companies to utilize our facilities. Don't mis this opportunity! This investment is for qualified investors only and is offered with a PPM Agreement.

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