NordAustri (HE Industries)

Be a part of the future of the Automobile Industry

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Be a part of the future of the Automotive Industry!
What do you think when you think of the new companies of electric vehicles? Ingenuity? Or just putting a battery on the same system we've really been driving on for over 100 years.
What about really advancing beyond the typical designs and seeking what ingenuity really is - the development of efficiencies?
What if you could actually purchase a much more efficient electric vehicle? What would a greater increase of range and reduced charging times mean to you? Would you make the switch to electric then?
What about power? What if your electric truck could haul more than your overpriced truck that you had to put thousands of additions into? What if it could be even better off the beaten path as well? What would that mean to you? Would you switch then?
What if we changed the way you looked at a vehicle, how it worked and operated, would you want to be a part of that? Or just let the chance go by and have someone else actually have pave the way for the future?

We are Hufford-Edkin Industries' NordAustri.

We are two veterans in development of an automotive start-up for electric and hybrid vehicles. We are on a mission to utilize a more ecological approach to vehicular development. We will be sourcing better alloys that will be lighter than magnesium, stronger than titanium, and fully recyclable. Furthermore, with battery and motor technologies available, capable driving potentials will challenge the current status quo of electrical vehicles on the market.
But what is the market really asking for? Why isn't this already here? Surely someone else must be working on this already. These are questions and statements we get asked frequently, and every right to do so (and there are companies already working on this). So, how can we differentiate ourselves? We want to take a holistic approach -
Problem : Battery capabilities in recharge times - A battery is being released that will boast a 5 minute 300 mile range. That is exactly what we are looking to acquire and be a partner to bring this to the market place.
Problem : Availability of EVs on the marketplace, sales are significant in affluent areas of California that have EVs readily in their showrooms.
Problem : Lack of pick-up trucks and SUVs in line-ups of brands. Just pick-up trucks make up of an average of 17% and SUVs make up about 37% annually and are growing.
Problem : Range of battery - batteries at this stage are going to boast only about 400 miles of range, some new technologies as mentioned before will actually naturally boost that range by their ability to "soak up" power. Furthermore, having a viable system that can provide recharging on-the-go will extend that range, and that can be utilized in our idea.
Problem : What about the tribe mentality for work vehicles, the draw to Ethanol as a cleaner fuel (which it entirely is not, bad for engines and takes more energy to produce it than it provides)? Farmers are taking a hit right now and have been for a few years. They have had increases in reaching out for mental health problems from stress and anxiety (over 150% increase) and climbing rates of suicides. What about a product that can help farmers make a product for general consumption besides wasting corn for a poor fuel? Hemp is able to be used in textiles and can actually be combined with rubber to make a stronger (and fully recyclable) product.
Problem : Can it actually be useful for real world situations? What do we mean... can it really be capable for a work vehicle? Can it make it to and from work sites, the farm, haul my family, or honestly... just be an attractive machine? Yes, it absolutely can be. Having a bed large enough to put materials into that won't be a detriment to the build is entirely viable. And with the electrical power-train in the vehicle, there is room to increase weight in some areas due to the motors and their placement that will allow for dramatic reductions.

Problem: Current design of vehicles are designed for inefficiencies - How about we just take those out?

So, why HE Industries? Here is what we stand for:

Mission Statement:

To set the standard of vehicular power and performance while maintaining a positive ecological impact by utilizing the most efficient means and measures to make a better footprint while continuously moving toward increasing utilization and decreasing fossil fuel consumption.

 Company Vision:

To promote the continued improvements of technology through our design, developments, and partnerships to make a better economic and ecological impact - striving to provide enhanced power utilization and performance at a lesser cost to the environment and consumer.

In order to meet our mission and vision, we are looking at working with various European and US leading technologies to incorporate into a true off-road and work capable vehicle.  This would be for independent 4WD capable trucks and SUVs with integrated motors to allow for direct power to the wheels and less of a loss due to mechanical friction. Also, being able to utilize the heat and friction in order to re-power the source of the vehicle. Furthermore, will develop a Hybrid line more capable than ones in use today by changing the way that we look at their form and function.

At first, the focus will be for a truck and SUV capable for on and off-road. We firmly believe that with the amount of driving that trucks and SUVs are used for, whether it be for the farm, construction, or safely traveling with our families, the capabilities of the EV and Hybrid market are lacking. Our aim is to bring innovative ideas and solutions to the table, utilize the proper technologies available today, and be a capable provider of the new era of vehicles.

What we are asking for, is more than just monetary, but a real partnership. We want to be able to truly bring a wonderful product to the market, and will need far more skills than just us can provide. Certainly, we are searching to find more, but more knowledge was never a downfall, the inability to utilize it is. We are grateful for your time in reading this and hope that you will reach out to find out more about who we are, what we stand for, and most importantly - what we can do together.

At the end of the day, we are looking to revolutionize the automobile. Trucks and SUVs don't have suitable hybrid or electric platforms on the market. One is falling in stock and some have yet to be able to produce, yet build on similar platforms that we're used to seeing today - which leads to a loss in viable range and utility. Be a part of history and revolutionize the industry with us.

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