
GoldenLink+ Live audio, A new social media traffic mining platform

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Our innovative projects is:
Creating a new social media traffic ecosystem;
With Targeted business search; AI business matching.
Traffic helps with e-commerce (B2B2C).   Build your brand influence, obtain lower traffic costs, and improve your monetization.

Pain points:
1. Business search information is asymmetrical, and a complete search engine and architecture have not been created.
2. Today's traffic streaming media platforms are basically Click Through Rate (CTR), no matter if the conversion is happening or not ; the cost is very high, and the conversions are too low. Google, Facebook, and TikTok are based on CTR, so you  know the cost. Even the affiliate network performed well in terms of conversion rate, but the traffic source still comes from Google, Facebook, and TikTok, so lowering the cost further is not feasible.

1. Live Audio social media mining, various live audio events, enjoying the mining fun of sending diamonds and GCoin rewards, connect business mines, and GS miners
2. Generate popular traffic ecology, provide accurate docking for various business models, and ensure the traffic conversion reward is in line with B2B2C;
3. Our solution results in higher conversions than ordinary.  Conversion rate: a higher percentage of sales compared with industry standard click thru rates (CTR). Performance marketing, that pays for conversion sales.
4. The secret key for traffic is: addictive interest (like gaming); indulge in the GOLD app; stick to it; and improve or grow your value. 
5. Landing page:
6. The first live audio social media traffic mining app in history: GoldenLink+ PC beta version has more than 5,000 people registered, and the app beta version is initially launched now. 

The registration and download methods are as follows:

GoldenLink+ app
Referral code: GoldMining_G

Google play store search: Goldenlink+

Note: A $5000 referral registration reward is open to early birds. By joining, you can get $1 after referring to one person. Think about what If you have 400 social media friends. 
7. The system we have now:
• Live audio social media events system; 
• Online chatting system; 
• Online traffic tracking; 
• Online marketplace (Gold5G);
 • AI-assisted business matching (target business search)
8. All-in-One Marketing Process via Monetization and Token Incentives: Two-Way Rewards (2WR). 
GOLD offers: 
• Events mining; 
• CPC mining; 
• Direct mining; 
• Indirect mining; 
• POW and Reserve processes to mint tokens; 
• NFT auction GEMA rights; 
• Community DAO to empower branding

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