Environmental Energy LLC.

An Invention that is the "Missing Link" to "Climate Change" that can mitigate 30 million tons of CO2 per year called, "The Informational Traffic Light System",

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        A Start-up with a "Final" United States Patent that according to the U.S. Department of Energy's website, listed below, if our system is implemented, "Will reduce CO2 emissions by 30,000,000 TONS, save 6 billion gallons of gasoline ANNUALLY if we turn off the engines (at fast-foods) if you're going to idle more than ten seconds in America alone".   It's the "All Hands on Deck" approach the United Nations has been pleading for.   Americans lose at least $24,000,000,000.00 annually based on an average cost of $4.00 per gallon.  This data is for the U.S. only.  When you add the financial potential of Europe Asia, South America, and more, the revenue potential is staggering.   

U.S. D.O.E website link:  extension://gphandlahdpffmccakmbngmbjnjiiahp/https://afdc.energy.gov/files/u/publication/idling_personal_vehicles.pdf   

IPCC Report link:   The IPCC Climate Change 2022 Impacts Report: Why it matters | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (noaa.gov)

       These two links and reports prove that our System is a MUST TO SAVE OUR PLANET!  "All Hands" should include the billions of citizens who cause who are one of the causes of Climate Change.  There's only one financially feasible method to reach/educate/motivate billions of people to get involved in the "#Climate War".  It's a "Sea Change" for normal use of traffic lights transforming them into revenue-producing messaging portals by the designing, manufacturing, and installation of millions of digital messaging signages on designated intersections.
       The infrastructure already exists with fiber optic cables and more installed in traffic lights.   While the lights are RED, the revenue will be generated by advertisers sponsoring "Public Service Announcements".  When the lights turn green, the scrolling message stops, replaced by a stationary message that can say, "This Public Service Announcement was sponsored by Tesla, Virgin, AT&T, etc.  All advertisers who understand "Branding", will jump at this opportunity to display their Brand.  You can liken this invention/system to highway billboards that generate hundreds of billions of dollars annually.
       It's said by climate scientists that "Mayors are the front line for Climate Change".  The problem is the over 1500 Mayors, need a "Tool" to enforce their agendas on climate and other city operations.  Our “System” is that “Tool”.  If implemented, will greatly benefit Mayors because it’s free to them meaning no budgetary requirements for our platform.  City ordinances, traffic congestion, disaster warnings, and other necessary messages from the "Mayor's Office". 
  • A platform for domestic terrorism, and Amber alerts. Homeland Security, and all local Law Enforcement agencies and disaster warnings.  
       there will be additional benefits for the Consumer such as lowering the cost of fuel. 
  • What the City Managers and Mayors get is a free platform to advertise their respective messages making running a large City much easier because of the free platform for "Public Service Announcements.
  • Catch serious criminals much faster which in turn, saves millions on search and rescue efforts. 
Consumer Benefits and Additional Savings from Compliance to Idling Ordinances:
  • Much higher gas mileage 
  • Huge savings on transmissions, engines, spark plugs, exhaust systems, tune-ups, and much more.  
  • Manufacturing
  • Engineering
  • Shipping
  • Warehousing
  • Design
  • Salespersons for advertising
  • Servicing
  • Installations
  • Software design and updates
  • Data input specialist for each city messaging from Mayor's offices
  • Traffic control rooms to monitor intersections for Amber Alerts, stalled cars, and crime. 
Copies of the "Final Patent" will be available upon request.  I'm open to strategic partnerships.  
  In conclusion, this "System needs one more action to function at top efficiency.  An Executive Order from POTUS banning all unnecessary idling.  Governors and then all the mayors will have the "Tool" to win the #Climate War.  If our "System" isn't implemented very soon, it's predicted by climate scientists, that approximately 2 billion inhabitants will be displaced.  The digital signage will also be sustainable because it will have solar capabilities.  The IPCC report also is now predicting the Ukraine war has Planet Earth on a pathway to a total catastrophic course of 2.7 degrees Celsius which is almost double the 1.5 Celsius limit before Planet Earth's catastrophic path is completely irreversible.   If anyone thinks immigration is bad now, we haven't seen anything yet.        
 Kennett P. Taylor
Environmental Energy LLC.
 Email:  [email protected]
 Website: www.enviro-nrg.com or www.smartco2solutions.com
 Office:  1-800-384-2817


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