Invest in a sustainable future: $300,000 to transform agricultural plastics into recycled drip tapes, reducing landfill waste and supporting eco-friendly farming practices

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We seek to raise USD 500,000 to purchase machinery for recycling agricultural plastics into pellets, preventing waste from ending up in landfills. These recycled pellets will be used to manufacture new drip tapes, promoting sustainability in agriculture

We are already permitted by the city and have started to receive the receive the waste material .

Business Model : Recycling services for the agriculture plastic covering intially Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo

Revenue derived from:
- Tipping @ USD 75 per metric ton
- Processed pellets sold @USD 500 per metric ton

Customer : TORO ( NYSE:TTC) - Letter of Partnership to purchase the recycled pellets

Team :
Dev Kumar ( 15 years in Waste Management, Plastic Recycling and Renewable Fuel)
Danny Pojas ( 20 years in Construction & Logistic )

Fund usage :
- Plastic recycling Machinery: USD 300,000
- Manpower ( 2 resources) : USD 150,000 
-Building improvement ( electrical) : USD 50,000

Link to Investor Pitch : https://bit.ly/4efB0iJ

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