Improving society one citizen at a time through a novel approach to education

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EdYou LLC will be advancing self-love and self-improvement through education/knowledge by utilizing both conventional and nonconventional modes of education. Income and capital will be generated via branding with the sell of merchandise and services, advertising, and investing in real estate, and other assets. Income will be generated through investments, merchandising resulting  from brand establishment via social media and s advertising, and grants.  The ultimate goal is to help change community and regional culture with emphasis on enhancement of self esteem among citizens of the community, region, and state. This will improve the society as a whole  by reducing the number of citizens engaged and promote in activities and or suffer from disorders that erode the  performance and productivity of any society unit. These activities and disorders include crime, substance abuse, and behavioral or mental derangements and illness. Better citizens become students, workers, and customers. A business where profit is generated from people seeking to achieve and maintain self and ultimately societal improvement rather than promotion and encouragement of the continuous practice and investment in detrimental and destructive vices.

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