Ebelleste, LLC

Raising $800,000 to $10 Million to either purchase and remodel or build new bowling FEC

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Bowling and entertainment center with a focus on innovation and education. Looking for funding to either startup or acquire existing building/business and improve.   Emphasis on quality and exceptional customer service.  Create balance between league and open play bowling.  Use most current USBC bowling coaching techniques to become as THE place to go to improve bowling game or learn about the sport.  Create high-end music and light atmosphere to attract teens and young adults.  Create interactive bowling lane effects currently in end-phase of research and testing by team to create attraction not currently available at any other bowling center in state.  Create unique high-end miniature golf.

Team has over 5 years experience running a bowling and entertainment center.  Additional 4 years management including being asked repeatedly to help improve problem facilities.  Over 14 years experience with residential and commercial drafting and design.  Over a decade of research into the history and trends of bowling, miniature golf, and other attractions with emphasis on local impact.

For potential purchase and remodel, already have plans of improvements and list of needed repairs; very familiar with building and business.  For potential new build, already have potential locations and rough plans/layouts to be adjusted as needed for exact location.  Demographics have been researched and cost breakdowns and estimated incomes available.

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