
Raising $2 Mil to build On-Demand Delivery App & API-Connected Pharmacy for LTC Facilities

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Curenta is changing the old $ 23 Bn Medication Management of Elderly care by on-demand delivery and API-connected online pharmacy. 
Curenta is reimagining pharmacy, one vertical at a time. Long-term care is a forgotten vertical with its unique complexity where Curenta is solving communication and delivery issues between facilities and pharmacies. With the network of stores, Curenta can turn around orders in an astounding 3 hours, saving money on unused medications and wasted nurses’ time.

Reason to invest or fund us:
  • Curenta re-imagines the long-term pharmacy industry by challenging its core components and up-scaling its service level while saving on operations costs.
  • Long-term care (LTC) consumes more than US $23 billion of medications annually and is growing at a staggering 6.8% a year.  We have grown by 300% in the last 12 months. In our first year of operations, we have made US $4.5 Million in annualized sales (ARR) in 12 months of operations.
  • Our B2B solutions convert a staggering 78% of targeted customers. 

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