Covalent Legal Services

$200k to Change the Standard of Legal Education and Knowledge

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Program/App for legal education that provides practical supplement to in-class learning. Law firms are going remote and mentors are hard to come by.  Our mission is to create a standard of competence and knowledge across the legal industry by providing legal professionals with access to information that will actually help them when they need it. 

We are paralegals that have each been working in litigation for almost a decade. Lately we have seen a huge gap between the education that associates and legal support are receiving the classroom and the practical knowledge needed to do the work. Legal education teaches you how to think, our goal is to teach you how to practice using patterns. Much like a nurse practitioner is taught to practice medicine through learning processes, we believe that we can teach law in the same way. 

We have already developed several training programs, mostly in family law, but plan do build this out across all practice areas and be able to customize the trainings to each state's standards in order to be relevant nationally. We also have plans to release the training programs and resources in Spanish so that may allow us to become international. 

Colorado may be passing legislature to allow licensed non-lawyer legal professionals to handle their own cases on a limited basis. We would like to get into a position to be bid for the opportunity to develop the training program for that licensing. 

We would love to discuss this venture further so please contact us, even if it is just with criticisms. We are here to learn and make our dreams a reality. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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