I had this app idea for those who are looking to expand their social circles. This app is a doorway for you to meet new people in locations where in normal circumstances you would find yourself at a lost. In no way is this for dating, rather for the purpose of connecting. If you can gather up the courage to jump on and connect with people in your area for a movie, a drink, concert, whatever it may be, I promise you it will be worth the try. This app is not for everyone but at the same time it can be if you let it. If you want to break out of your circle and meet new diverse people, whether it’s when you travel to new countries or have a 22 hour train ride alone, a 6 hour layover in an airport or want something to do on a damn Friday night, Monday afternoon, WHATEVER it may be try Connect Me. As we are living in such a tech savvy world, I believe this is the way to do it nowadays. I did not create this app for the purpose of creating one, nor was it about money believe it or not but I made it because I was lonely, isolated and craving human interactions and conversations. I did not have the courage to simply walk into a bar or café alone and meet people on the spot. So, please give it a try and be as genuine as you can and express yourself in ANY WAY you want. I don’t doubt for a second that people will surprise me with their creative ideas on how to use this application. If you still can’t gather up the courage, then do it with a friend, a group or even a family member. You’ll know what I mean when you download me.
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