Change Is Now

Raising $25K to Build up our Future Generations

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I am humbly requesting a grant of $25,000 on behalf of the Change Is Now . We are a The position we hold in this industry is a gateway to a industry that's one the top leading industries in our world economy. We're exerting time and resources to the future generation . While allied in fighting the generations of generations of barriers that many of adults face now while past their critical teen years, will futher on align with our cause and will create opportunities for programs to form . A small select few programs we look to bring forth is Big Brother and Little Brother programs, Big Sister and Little Sister programs, Teen Safe Environment, School Supplies Drive , and Pass A Plate. Change Is Now has been in operation since January 1, 2022 . In our time less than a month of operations , we have made progress with Killeen School District to implement vending machines in their school systems .

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