Auto Notes Selling and Purchasing of Portfolios, as well as sales of GPS tracking devices

Auto Notes Selling and Purchasing of Portfolios, as well as sales of GPS tracking devices

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Connect One Financial LLC
 Carlos Rodriguez
 5830 SW 73 ST
 Miami FL 33143

Date: December 6 2023

To, Possible Investor / PARTNER 

Dear Sirs:

Business Opportunity and Funding increase Portfolio 

We are excited to share that Connect One Financial LLC will be expanding services to include

Auto Notes Selling and Purchasing of Portfolios, as well as sales of GPS tracking devices.

With two location 5830 SW 73 ST Miami FL 33143 and 475 NW 42 AVE Miami FL 33126

 COF is one of the market leaders in South Florida and we would like to invite you to be a part of our growth.

With these new assets, we aim to provide our customers with new ways to grow their business. 

By investing with us we will provide our investors with a 20% (expected return) ROI.

 This is a win situation for yourself and your company. We will be happy to provide you with the  details         (MINIMUN INVESTMENT MUST BE $50,000) OR WE CAN OFFER YOU A % PARTNERSHIP IN THE COMPANY ,GREAT OPORTUNITY ,DON’T WAIT

Upon request please contact Us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 305.397.4268.

Best Regards                                                                             Carlos Rodriguez /CEO

Best Regards                                                                             Carlos Rodriguez /CEO

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Auto Notes Selling and Purchasing of Portfolios, as well as sales of GPS tracking devices is no longer seeking funding.