America's Swimming Pool Company - Capital District

Swimming Pool Service Company Seeking Growth Assistance

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I made the transition from being an independently own swimming pool service company to a franchise location for a national chain, America's Swimming Pool Company (ASP). The funds to accomplish this transition were from an inheritance. Unfortunately due to legal disputes, I was only able to obtain half of what was originally expected. The case was initiated and finalized after the contract was signed with ASP.

The business model is sound and profitable but was also based on obtaining the full amount of that inheritance. Currently, we have customers prepaying for next years services to keep us operational. The prepayments are essentially robbing profits from the upcoming pool season.   I am seeking funding of $150k-$300k for the following; 

  • Eliminate high interest debt taken on by the lack of start up funds
  • Complete start-up tasks that we were not able to complete due to financial reasons
    • Wrapping of company vehicles
    • Securing a lease at a reasonable service garage
    • Miscellaneous equipment needed to vastly improve efficiency and profits
  • Provide competitive salaries to recruit skilled professionals

If properly funded the business is projecting annual revenue of $750,000 with profits of $250k. Any and all offers will be considered. Thank you

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