Producers of patented more nutritious alternatives to popular traditional drinks. Our Beverages have been test marketed with great sensory and taste acceptance to consumers of all ages as well as to senior buyers from major national retail grocery marketing organizations.
ALLPUR's patented beverage products will be produced, marketed and sold through major retail chain distribution to JenZ, Millennial and Elderly consumers by a very experienced and accomplished team with over 100 years of accumulative successful expertise in product development, consumer nutrition, marketing, sales and production in the health and wellness as well as the retail consumer marketplace.
ALL ALLPUR product technologies are not only innovative but the companies co-founders have won awards for development of products which satisfy a major consumer need without the sacrifice of taste, mouthfeel, refreshment or energy enhancement from the State of VA, Dept. of Agriculture, Pepperdine University, Graziadio Sch. of Business and most recently were the Runner Up in the "Most Innovative New Dairy Product of 2019" contest run by the State of California Milk Advisory Board.
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