
Online exchange where solar sales people and installers meet as well as review one another to promote the sales people/installers that perform best. Explainer video available.

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30% of the $19.5B in solar projects sold in the United States are under the “broker” model; where the salesperson is an independent 1099 broker sending his/her sales to any of the 11,000 installers in the U.S. for actual construction.     We are an online exchange where these parties find one another and interact.  Brokers will select installers based on numerous criteria, including feedback left by previous sales brokers.  Installers gathering too many unfavorable reviews are removed from the platform which therefore allows market forces to drive future business only to top performers

What we do:
  • Offer the platform to bring installers and brokers together under a single location
  • Use market forces to drive "bad actors" out of the industry and reward those who perform well.  
  • Provide the platform that increases the Broker's sales rate by 300%
  • Build a national scale training academy to substantially increase the number of experienced solar sales people to meet the growing demand.
  • Provide Installers an instant sales team rather than recruiting non-stop for years; including moving into new geographies/markets
  • Offer a custom built CRM to installers to both improve the customer's experience, the installers efficiency and automate the process of billing/collecting sales commissions from installers so brokers know what they are getting paid and when. 
  • Provide installers and brokers insight into the other party's past, experience and quality *before* they work on a project together
We completed a beta test of the platform two months ago and saw $320k that month in revenue.  This equates to roughly $32k in net profit.  That was the first month with 3 installers and 5 brokers.  We have since added 20 more installers and 35 more brokers purely by word of mouth  We intend to add tens of thousands of solar brokers and at least one thousand installers.   Our marginal  cost per project is very close to zero.; although our revenue to profit ratio appears low, keep in mind that we make transactional revenue on each project that passes through the online exchange.  

The best training platform for sales people wanting to begin their solar sales career was launched by the largest solar company in the world.  We have hired the individual that created that platform.  We have also hired a person who has custom built a CRM who is spearheading the development of our custom CRM with the help of our 5 person software team. 

 We focused on California as our test market, however, we now have installers in 4 other states and have 34 other states where we intend to focus and scale.  It is worth noting that we have built a very small scale version of this in the past and had terrific success.  We have launched Advocate based on previous lessons learned having spent the last 9 years developing the broker model.  Based on those lessons, we created a highly lucrative, highly scalable business model without the operating costs and risk like that of a solar installer.  We are seeking $1.2M initial round of investment in order to scale operations nationally.  

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